Siebel CRM applications – including the Siebel Mobile offerings – are optimized for desktop and tablet sized screens.
Providing Siebel CRM functionality and data “to go” on your user’s phones proves to be a challenge and introduces significant effort and risk to a CRM project.
Siebel2Phone is an open-source JavaScript framework (github) designed to demonstrate one possible approach to bringing Siebel CRM to phone sized devices.

While the code is open source, it is important to define your strategy for Siebel on a phone as well as understand how the Siebel2Phone framework can help you. Siebel CRM expert and creator of Siebel2Phone Alexander Hansal is ready to assist you with your first steps to Siebel on a phone.
If you are interested in a demo, contact us by email or purchase the Siebel2Phone Demo & Assessment Workshop from our shop.